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With clear data-driven analysis, we’ll help you increase sales, improve return on investment, and succeed in your eCommerce goals.

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To succeed in eCommerce, developing trust is the first step.

The main goals of an eCommerce website are the following:

  • To convert visits to sales – the industry average is around 3% (depending on the product you’re selling).
  • To increase the value per sale by upselling and cross-selling. People will be more inclined to add to their order if you offer suggestions, recommendations and free shipping.
  • To grow your audience by encouraging people to join your email list.

Increase traffic, convert visitors to sales, grow your audience

Generating trust online is a priority for successful ecommerce sites – you only have a few seconds to engage a new visitor in what you have to offer. However, research shows that when potential customers arrive at your website, their primary concerns are:

  • Is the business for real?
  • Can I shop safely?
  • Will I like this product?
  • Is there anyone I can talk to?
  • Do you handle returns?

Relevant, engaging and quality content on your website will help you develop the trust your new customer needs to take the next step and buy your products. Ideally this content is a combination of videos, blogs, infographics and surveys.

eCommerce Strategy and Development

When starting or growing an eCommerce business, having a clear data-driven analysis of will help you increase the return on your investment of your effort and technology. An eCommerce strategy will help you develop the navigation, content and features in your website to maximise sales and conversion rates.

BlueMorph Media develops eCommerce websites on BigCommerce, Shopify and WooCommerce. We will also help you with a strategy to develop a new eCommerce business or provide an audit of your current one to discover ways to increase conversion and performance.

You’ll receive a written report listing findings and recommendations with a roadmap to increase revenue from your eCommerce store. You can either have your in-house IT people work on these findings and actionable initiatives or you can use our help.

Our experienced eCommerce consultants are knowledgeable in both the business and technology needs of an online store.

BlueMorph Media will help you with:

  • eCommerce Business Strategy
  • Online Marketing Strategy
  • Metrics and success factors
  • Content development
  • Performance and Analytics

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Learn how we can help your eCommerce site increase traffic, conversions and sales.

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